I practised the RLD protocol on my husband yesterday. He coughed and coughed during the session (catarrh, etc.) but has felt much better since!!
Using RLD as part of a longer treatment, with all reflexes is just as effective, whether working systemically with duopody, or working each foot separately. There is currently no evidence to suggest that one method of treatment is more effective than the other, it is a matter of personal preference and may also depend on the presenting conditions of the client. Isolating reflexes and systems of the body interests me, as it can reinforce the theory of reflexology and ultimately, the use of a footmap.
In this case treatment began with the RLD sequence, as catarrh, congestion and sluggishness were her concerns, continuing with a full teatment. There was movement and coughing before finishing RLD part of the session. At the end of the full treatment, breathing was easier, she looked brighter and felt more energised.