Terms & Conditions
Cancellation Policy
If for some reason you need to cancel your booking, please contact us as soon as possible, leave a message, text or send an email. Every effort will be made to resell your place, and with plenty of notice this is usually possible. If we are successful you can transfer your booking to an alternative date without charge. If we are not able to fill your place, then you will be asked to pay a £50 transfer fee for a place on another course. If you decide to cancel and do not want to transfer your booking then your fee will be refunded minus the non-refundable course deposit £100.
If for some reason you do not attend without prior notification no refund will be given.
If COVID 19 restrictions are reinstated then, where possible, the course can be offered via e-learning.
In the unlikely event off a course being postponed or cancelled, you will be informed by email immediately. You may request a full refund or transfer your place to a rescheduled date.
Note: Pre-booked travel and personal expenses cannot be reimbursed.
Booking terms & conditions
Deposits are non-transferrable
Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD) two day course is continued professional development (CPD) for reflexologists, and is a practitioner level training course.
To protect the integrity, quality of training and accuracy of RLD, attendees/RLD practitioners agree NOT to teach Reflexology Lymph Drainage RLD.
All material is protected by Copyright© Sally Kay® No part of any course material may be reproduced, copied, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without the prior written permission of Sally Kay® Copyright and intellectual property violations are dealt with in a robust legal manner.
Attendance of the course is subject to agreement of these terms and conditions.
Delivery Policy
Orders will be sent First Class, and dispatched within 3-5 working days from the UK
Some goods will be sent separately depending on size and packaging
Orders will be sent First Class, and dispatched within 3-5 working days from the UK
Some goods will be sent separately depending on size and packaging
Refund Policy
Faulty products will be replaced in compliance with the Consumer Rights Act 2015
RLD course refunds are subject to an admin fee if the booking was confirmed more than 90 days ago
Faulty products will be replaced in compliance with the Consumer Rights Act 2015
RLD course refunds are subject to an admin fee if the booking was confirmed more than 90 days ago