I just want to let you all know that the work that Sally Kay has done to design a routine specifically for Lymphoedema has given you all the ability to have a positive effect on people's lives.
For those of you who don't know I have primary Lymphoedema, a condition I was born with and which I inherited from my mum.
For years I knew how my future after 40 would go, I watched my mum become less mobile every year as the lymph took over her life and her legs just got bigger and bigger.
Each time she would go to see a medical professional, it was always classed as a weight problem.
It wasn't until after she passed that I found out why she had 'elephant legs' and that too was my future.
I feel myself lucky, it didn't get bad for me until my forties, however there are children out there struggling daily, wondering why one leg is bigger than the other, why a small cut makes them ill if they get cellulitis and they can't do what the friends do and that the heat makes the swelling worse.
I have trained in lymph massage, the Vodder Technique and yes it's fab however it was time consuming, although a light massage it was right in your personal space and needed doing very very regularly - and costly even on fantastic salary it was expensive.
Life used to consist of getting out of bed wondering if I could leave the house today because I didn't know if I could get shoes on, especially would I be able to finish a work outfit with acceptable shoes.
Imagine doing a presentation to a group of bankers in suits with crocs on, because nothing else fitted. I never wear skirts coz I think people are staring at my fat feet coming over my shoes.
For a couple of years I followed Sally Kay's work intensively and last year another wonderful person Vicky Laws took my on as a client and started doing RLD on me.
I am a therapist and always believe the intent to heal is there, however the results after the first session far far exceeded my expectations.
Lymph moved almost immediately moved and start to exit my body.
Regular treatments have meant that my lymph is more manageable, I can wear more normal shoes. I no longer get 'heavy leg' syndrome in the evening.
I feel better, haven't had sore throats that previously plagued me all winter and have even flown for the first time in years. I just made sure I did the hand routine frequently when away.
I have also addressed that my condition had caused me social anxiety as I didn't socialise or go to anything like the pictures for years, I gave up all that I loved doing. I would go out but on my own, head down and get on with it, so that my loved ones weren't exposed to the stigma - I think that was only in my head thou. I am great at outwardly appearing confident.
I just wanted to say a massive thanks to Sally Kay for her dedication to RLD, for giving life back to sufferers whether it's primary or secondary Lymphoedema.
It's early days however I believe that my lymph system is getting stronger.
Sally has passed on this knowledge and I just wanted to give everyone a little insight to how this condition although not life threatening can be life impacting
Thanks for reading
Reflexology Lymph DrainageRLD is a reflexology technique which stimulates specific lymphatic reflexes on the feet. Developed from first principles & researched by Sally Kay to help with the management of secondary lymphoedema in patients affected by treatment for breast cancer. Further research into RLD is ongoing and training is available for reflexology practitioners. Archives
March 2021