The results were as follows
The organiser of the workshop in York last Sunday invited a friend with lymphoedema to join us for the practical demonstration. She was a young woman who had a left mastectomy and node clearance 6 years ago. I measured her arms before and after treating her with RLD and one of the group entered the circumference measurements into the computer.
The results were as follows
After running 3 consecutive workshops last weekend at The Christie Hospital, Altrincham Manchester & York I have decided to start a blog about reflexology & RLD. When a group of reflexologists are together we can learn so much from each other by sharing our professional experiences. Here you are also invited to share your findings and experiences of using RLD.
Reflexology Lymph DrainageRLD is a reflexology technique which stimulates specific lymphatic reflexes on the feet. Developed from first principles & researched by Sally Kay to help with the management of secondary lymphoedema in patients affected by treatment for breast cancer. Further research into RLD is ongoing and training is available for reflexology practitioners. Archives
March 2021