In the last 7 days, several reflexologists have taken the time to contact me and share their RLD experiences. It is so encouraging to hear from everyone, thank you for sharing and keep up the great work! Their experiences include clients with, post-surgery Liposuction, lymphoedema in the legs after a playground accident 20 years ago and swollen heavy legs due to obesity. |
RLD and Liposuction
RLD and Lymphoedema in the leg
I have another client with problems after breast surgery that I am going to use as a case study in a few weeks. However, I have quite a number of clients who have lymphoedema in the feet and legs and wanted to see if RLD would help them also. I am working with one lady as a guinea pig (who I have had as a client for a number of years)....she is in her 30s and has had lymphoedema since she was 6 yrs old after a knock in the playground... not diagnosed until she was 13 !! but she suffers especially with her swollen feet. I have done 2 treatments and, although not massive changes in measurements in legs, the feet are taking on a normal shape and she had noticed an immediate result when putting on her shoes/boots....her family have noticed the change in appearance also, so she is thrilled as she says this is the most painful part especially towards the end of the day. She says her toes wiggle and her ankles feel light !!! The results lasted between the treatments which were 16 days apart."